1. Hey guys! Unfortunately there is a fake account replying to your comments about a giveaway winner! Please ignore and report this as it’s 100% not me! Cheers!🤟

  2. Big up to you two, real riders gotta put a shovel in the ground every now and again! Looks like a nice spot to work at with that hose system, if I was more local I'd come give you an afternoon :).

  3. Great to see you bringing life back to the track Tom. Best part is when it's fixed you can ride it and say "yep I helped fix this". Hopefully it gets to stay well maintained in future. Kara is right, it's not hard to put your rubbish in the bin or take it back with you and put it in your own bin.

  4. Great work guys! Really pleased you're saving this place. Hopefully this video will drum up some extra help. Seems such a shame it's been left to get this bad but thanks to you it will be great once again!

  5. Tom, you should use your social media chops to organise a work party. Tell folks to bring shovels, hoes, buckets, strimmers – anything they can carry – and arrive at a specific time and place to blitz the place. Maybe lay on a few crates of beer. People like free beer.

  6. Unless it's a pay to ride trail centre, everyone who rides trails/tracks should also dig them!
    If everyone who rode there gave up a day of their lives to digging, it would be sorted in no time and maintained!
    Digging is also a bit of a workout on all your muscle groups as well!

  7. That was great. I'd come and help if I lived there.
    One thing I love about helping with the local trails is how much you get to see which you don't notice while riding. If gives you a whole different perspective of the trails, i.e. different lines, etc.

  8. Soooo satisfying!!! I love this series! Make sure these episodes keep going until these trails are running better than they ever have! Loving all the jump build lapses and restoration going on theses days! As a trail builder myself, I’m always looking for ideas and techniques. Keep this going Tom!

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