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The Manual is an essential BMX trick to learn in order to unlock new lines and combos. Billy Perry gives you his take on the best …


48 comments on “How To Manual BMX

  1. Does bar height matter when doing a manual? Because my bars are lower than avg bmx bars and I was wondering if that makes it harder or easier I’m 5’8 and my bars are a little lower and smaller than the avg bmx bar

  2. I just started BMX for something new since the weather is shitty and I can't skate as much. Ive been uploading all my sessions in my shorts if anyone can give me tips. I think pedal position is what I'm missing, I notice everyone has one pedal lower and that seems to be consistent with everyone I watch.

  3. I like how to talk so much about what not to do. That actually helps a lot. Good approach. Maybe the best manual video yet and I’ve watched a lot. I just uploaded my first manual attempt yesterday.

  4. ok tho it can be impossible too, if ur bars too short, and bike is super heavy, and kinda short, and you are not tall or heavy then good luck, try it lol..

  5. I know this is quite old, but what I've noticed just riding around practicing: wear a back pack with a tiny bit of weight in it, a decent text book or something, I've notice when I have my bag with my skateboard attached to it, I lock in for a tiny bit longer, than when I'm riding with nothing. I'm assuming the counter weight helps your balance point and I'd you practice that a few times then either take a bit of weight out after 5 solid attempts, then repeat till you take the bag off all together. Don't know if that will help anyone but it's something I've noticed my self 🤟🏼

  6. Hey thanks a lot for making this video I'm relatively new to bmx I have been practicing wheelies a lot and want to learn manuals first now a bit before wheelies. Again thanks and great video!

  7. I don't have friends that ride bikes… lmao
    Also, I've been having an issue with accidentally turning left/right while doing my manual and it's super frustrating

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