1. Kio is out of control!!! dude moves super fast!!!!! super spastic!!! Japan is doing it. When I lived in Japan dudes use to ride all night in Hiroshima!!!

  2. Ho LEE farK!!
    When I saw that Terry Adams was 5th I was wondering wtf I was in for.
    There must have been at least half a dozen links I had never seen before.
    The progression and overall quality of riding here is insane!!

  3. Watching a layman… they must get really dizzy. I don’t see them keeping their face pointing in one direction like a ballet dancer. Plus, they would be excellent unicycle riders

  4. Back when I was into flatland, Mathias Dandois was on top. IN EVERY SINGLE EVENT. Now he’s only placing 6th?!? Can someone that’s kept up with it for the past decade tell me what happened? Is he still considered the best but just had a bad tournament or has he fallen off over the past few years? Who’s considered the best now & does Mathias accept this? Sorry, I’ve just got a ton of questions now lol. I designed my bike off Mathias’s setup back in the day & am thinking about getting back into it for exercise.

  5. Amazing stuff but honestly, since at least 10 years it gets more boring and boring. You need to be an expert rider (which I was in the 90's) to see the difference in the combinations. Very very less new stuff if new stuff at all and the hardest tricks in history not even covered. I haven't seen a bar kickflip in years in this contests. It more or less always the same in different combinations. Let alone all riders not from Japan…they are super boring

  6. In the middle of the flatland finals Tibidi, Catfish & Gabo from: Share a Bike-Share a Smile, talk about our BMX NGO & the projects we are making to help bmx riders in Africa. Why didn't you showed any of that? It was a beutiful moment

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