Tyler Fernengel BMX Session: Silverdome

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More action on the bike right here: http://win.gs/MoreBiking Tyler Fernengel – an up and coming BMX star – sessions the …


46 comments on “Tyler Fernengel BMX Session: Silverdome

  1. Yeah and you don’t like boogers or something that I said to you homo because you wear shorts and you work Tyler Bruno and I was on a break yeah go home stupid and Jagger Eaton have fun I’ll see the Olympics with all of the Japanese and they will win everything yeah go home everybody else who is not Brazil 100% and Japanese yeah go home everybody else stupid

  2. That dome for a span of time, hosted more Supercross races than any stadium in the country. I raced there once myself, (poorly), as a amateur in 1988. But this is my favorite personal story of the place. My girlfriend and I went to see a SX race, and we followed my buddy there (who likes to get to the pro races very early). Yea, I can hear the announcement "no smoking in the dome" while walking across the pavement to get in, but we go there so early, hardly anybody was in the stands at that point. We walked to the railing near the track, and nobody else was around us for at least 200 feet, so I lit up a smoke, knowing the smoke would not bother anybody. Then she stood up from her group and started yelling at me, from about 200 feet away, this dark long hared gal wearing a Kawasaki jacket. No way could she smell it, but she yelled "No smoking in here, you can't smoke in here!!!!". So I put it out. It actually ruined my mood for almost the rest of the evening. As the place filled up and the racing started, she had no problem with the exhaust from the 2-stroke bikes. Then during an intermission, my GF and I went out one of the gates to have a smoke, out in the cold standing with about 300 plus other smokers, and my GF spotted that gal out there with us, "There she is", and there she was, standing in the middle of 300 smokers, trying to get a signal on her cell phone, about 75 feet from us. So I yelled to her, "Hey lady, (she saw me), This is the smoking area, you get your F-ing azz back in there!" Nobody in the smoking area had any idea of why I said that,—but they all started laughing.
    I felt so much better for the rest of the evening right after that. Little miss busy body walked all the way across the tarmac to a guard at the fence, said something to him while pointing at me, and I saw him just shrug his shoulders with his hands up a bit (what do you want me to do?). She then walked to another guard at the next fence opening, (same thing), and finally walked in through another gate.
    Ahhh—good times at the Silverdome. Too bad it is gone.

  3. Let me tell all of u chaps, the silverdome was one of the most surreal places that had me gulping when I first went there at 12 years old. 48 now and fell in love with the Honolulu blue and silver and bubbles logo

  4. Great video… Awesome riding! Detroit looks just like the stadium does. 65 years of democrat rule is destroying that once great city…. prove me wrong…

  5. That's really an especially video. Once the skills of the BMX-biker, the lost area and also the narrating voice gives this video a special charisma.

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