Arrestees Beg And Plead To Get Out Of Jail… But Fail!

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Note for YouTube’s review team, here is the context of the video: this is an educational video based on actual court cases.


21 comments on “Arrestees Beg And Plead To Get Out Of Jail… But Fail!

  1. The more stories I hear the more I wonder if we are the same creatures. We are all bags of water. We do not look the same nor do we act the same. No matter how society tries to rehabilitate the same behaviors continue. 20% of the population will always do illegal things. It seems to be in their character. As an old human (72) never been jailed handcuffed arrested speeding ticket or dui. Been exposed to drugs and alcohol just made other choices.

  2. These "cattle call" arraignments must be difficult to preside over. The dregs of society are brought forth in quick succession for an initial judgement based solely on a one sided view of events. Of course, I have no better idea.

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